Saturday, March 14, 2015

Lemur Leaps

Lemurs are creatures that only
live in Madagascar.  Madagascar
has National Parks for lemurs.
What I like about lemurs is the
way they gallop,dance and jump 
when they run.  It looks so fun!
They suffer though many forest 
fires.  90% of Madagascar
is burnt down by forest fires.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Doggy Do You Knows

Did you know all this about dogs?*
  1. Scientific nameCanis lupus familiaris
  2. Gestation period63 d on average
  3. Daily sleep10.1 h on average
  4. Height67 – 70 cm (At Shoulder)
  5. RankSubspecies
  6. Lifespan10 – 13 y, 11.08 y on average (UK population), 12.67 y on average (dying of natural causes, UK population)
watch this video!

*source: Wikipedia.